However, this, along with the App Store showing privacy information for different apps made people worry about how safe it was to use WhatsApp. The company would later clarify that the latest change didn't affect the privacy of messages sent to friends and family in any way, and was aimed at business accounts. WhatsApp announced its policy changes on January 6, where it more clearly talked about data sharing with Facebook, and also gave users no choice about this. India is one of the markets where Signal has added a huge number of new users, so it's not surprising that Acton said in an interview with NDTV, "what's really awesome is India is such a strong representation of the world that if you build for India you build for the world." Switching to Signal? 5 Tips and Tricks You Need to Know The company has now confirmed that the issue has to do with the huge number of users who have been signing on to Signal, as people are moving away from WhatsApp in droves after it announced a new privacy policy, and said that if users did not accept, then their accounts would have to be removed. Signal was downloaded by 17.8 million users over the past seven days, a 62-fold rise from the prior week. Brian Acton, who co-founded WhatsApp before selling it to Facebook and then co-founding the Signal Foundation, said that the expansion in recent days had been "vertical". However, it does say that the team is working to restore service as quickly as possible.
If you open Signal right now, you will see a new banner which explains that the app is facing some technical difficulties, although there are no additional details in the banner as of now. The issues seem to have started about one hour ago at 8.30pm IST on Friday, and appears to be a global outage.
Although you can open the app and send messages, nothing is actually being delivered right now. Signal is facing an outage globally - thousands of users are reporting errors to site status tracker DownDetector, and Gadgets 360 confirmed this for ourselves as well.